Courts have recognized the probative value of data from online consumer posts in a growing number of cases. We specialize in generating custom reports that can be relied on by experts offering either affirmative or rebuttal opinions in intellectual property, deceptive advertising, and defamation matters as well as other types of commercial litigation.
Likelihood of Confusion
Are consumers confused by the alleged infringement?
Do consumers try to “pass off” products with the junior mark in the post-purchase environment?
Do consumers draw mistaken associations between the senior and junior mark?
How strong is the senior mark?

Deceptive Advertising
How much value do consumers place on deceptive or misleading advertising claims?
Are consumers being swayed by the deceptive or misleading claims?
Do consumers talk about the deceptive or misleading claims when recommending the product to others?
Do consumers cite the deceptive or misleading claims as a reason they purchased the product?
Do consumers recognize the claims as deceptive or misleading?
How much social media discussion and traditional media coverage have the defamatory statements generated?
How broad is the reach of the discussion and coverage?
How many impressions has the discussion and coverage garnered?
How has the volume of discussion and coverage evolved over time?
Was the plaintiff a public figure at the time the defamatory statements were made?

Our process was developed by litigation consultants
Our process was developed, and is conducted, by litigation consultants who understand both the nuanced issues involved in complex commercial legal disputes and the level of rigor demanded of evidence relied upon by expert witnesses. Our experienced analysts are front and center at every step of the process to transform raw data into defensible evidence that is considered probative by judges and compelling by juries. From the outset of each project, we work collaboratively with counsel and/or experts to determine the scope, key questions, and realistic objectives for the analysis.